From Argentum: Urgent Help is Needed!

From Argentum: Urgent Help is Needed!

From Argentum: Urgent Help is Needed!

In a recent press release, James Balda, Argentum President and CEO said, "It is with certainty that older adults are extremely vulnerable to COVID-19, and for a year, assisted living providers have been taking on high costs of PPE; providing for added staffing needs and offering hero pay; procuring tests; and seeing sharp declines in occupancy rates due to COVID-19 restrictions, all without the federal relief needed. It is essential that the next COVID-19 relief package offers targeted relief to caregivers such as assisted living, independent living, memory care, and continuing care facilities to help with PPE, staffing, and testing needs. Any legislation must include $5 billion in funding for these communities.


Congress is currently considering President Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. Unfortunately, the legislation as drafted by the U.S. House of Representatives does not adequately address the needs of seniors and caregivers. In the entire package, long-term care was mentioned only once and lumped with all congregate settings--including prisons, jails, psychiatric hospitals, and other facilities.


This is why we urgently need your help!


The House and Senate will continue to modify the legislation before they send it to President Biden to become law. We need as many senior living advocates as possible to tell Congress that these communities need more help.


With vaccines currently being administered in senior living communities, we are hopeful that we will be getting back to close to normal in the coming months. But until we defeat the virus, we need Congress to continue prioritizing seniors and caregivers. We kindly ask for you to join us in our advocacy efforts, and help put a local face on these needs.


Writing to Congress takes less than a minute. Just click on the appropriate link below and you’ll find a pre-written letter that you can add to with a personal note on how help from Congress will make things better for you and those in your community. Then all you need to do is enter your contact information and click “submit letter.” Your message will be sent directly to your member of Congress and both of your senators.


Thank you in advance for your support!


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