From CHFS: Staff COVID-19 Testing Frequency Map

From CHFS: Staff COVID-19 Testing Frequency Map

From CHFS: Staff COVID-19 Testing Frequency Map & Explanation

When CHFS contracted with several labs across the Commonwealth, they initially recommended COVID-19 testing 50% of all facility/community staff members each week. In addition, CHFS recommended testing any resident who was either symptomatic or had been exposed to a staff member who had tested positive for COVID-19.


Effective September 24, 2020 an update to the testing frequency was made. The new recommended testing frequency is based on a map divided by county and color coded according to the numbers of positive cases in each county. The map at will be updated every two weeks and will show any change in the recommended frequency for testing ALC and PCH staff.


For your reference, is the CHFS FAQ document regarding surveillance testing for staff and residents. See the following question and answer provided in the LTCF Surveillance Testing FAQs:

How frequently should testing occur? The frequency of testing was initially tied to county-specific COVID-19 positivity rates. Effective September 24, 2020, test frequency will be based on the CHFS “Kentucky Long-Term Care Facility COVID-19 County Indicator” map.  Procedure: 1. On the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month after 8 pm ET, the Provider checks the map for the most current color assigned to the county in which the site is located. 2. Tiers: each color is associated with a testing frequency to begin on the following Monday.

Tier I. Yellow + Green - Test staff Bi-Weekly (includes ICF-IID, PC and ALC Providers, regardless of county)

Tier II. Orange  - Test staff Weekly

Tier III. Red  - Test staff twice per Week

NOTE: The map will be archived daily for future reference, but recommended practice is to print the map on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays after 8 pm ET to include in the Provider’s documentation related to testing frequency compliance.


The newly posted map for reference by LTC providers regarding COVID-19 testing schedules for the current time period can be viewed at: This reflects the seven days through last Wednesday and bears last Thursday's date (10/8/2020).


An updated map will be included in each weekly eBlast you receive from KSLA. We'll pass on any additional information as we receive it.

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