Kentucky Senior Living Association Welcomes ESCO Technologies, LLC

Kentucky Senior Living Association Welcomes ESCO Technologies, LLC

Communications & entertainment suite for senior living communities

Staying connected is vital in senior living communities and ESCO Technologies, LLC could be your solution! For the grandmother checking out photos of her grandkids on social media, to the niece calling her uncle on his birthday, to the staff member who needs to know the exact location of a resident requiring help. ESCO Technologies, LLC offers a complete communications & entertainment suite for senior living communities. They will set up the equipment, make sure it’s working, keep it working, and replace it when it becomes outdated.

CareConnect is an integrated, single-source solution for senior communities – from high-quality and senior-friendly telephone, internet and TV services, to state-of- the-art life-safety systems.

To learn more, visit their website: or contact Louis Lindsey, Vice President at or 502.963.6726.

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