KSLA Proposal for Limited Resumption of Salon Services and Small Group Activities in Assisted Living and Personal Care

KSLA Proposal for Limited Resumption of Salon Services and Small Group Activities in Assisted Living and Personal Care

KSLA and the Board of Directors met several times last week to discuss resident agitation, anxiety and depression brought about by continued quarantine and how the limited resumption of certain services could help to combat those issues. On Wednesday, May 20, the same group had a conference call with Commissioner Elridge and Buddy Hoskinson to discuss a proposed plan to address these issues in our communities. Commissioner Elridge was open to hearing more about our ideas and requested that we submit a proposal for her to bring to the Task Force on Long Term Care.


As such, KSLA and the Board of Directors submitted our proposal for limited resumption of salon services and small group activities to Commissioner Elridge, Buddy Hoskinson, Inspector General Adam Mather, Secretary Friedlander, and Keith Knapp on Friday, May 22. Click Here to see the proposal.


We await a response, and will let you know when we have anything to share.

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