Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to Impede COVID-19 Progression & Prevent Hospitalizations

Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to Impede COVID-19 Progression & Prevent Hospitalizations

Monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatments were authorized by the FDA for emergency use in November 2020. When administered early in the course of infection, these outpatient infusions can impede disease progression and prevent hospitalizations.


Recently, the HHS’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response established a program called SPEED (Special Projects for Equitable and Efficient Distribution) to provide mAbs directly to pharmacies serving long-term care communities. However, even with ready access to mAbs, many communities are unable to administer these potentially life-saving treatments due to staffing shortages and overwhelming clinical demands.


Communities experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak can contact the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) to identify infusion providers who can access and administer Bamlanivimab mAb therapy through a pilot program that addresses reimbursement and other potential obstacles to treatment.

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