The Kentucky Senior Living Association Announces the Promotion of Rebecca Pfalzgraf to Executive Director

The Kentucky Senior Living Association Announces the Promotion of Rebecca Pfalzgraf to Executive Director

The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Senior Living Association (KSLA) is excited to announce the promotion of Rebecca Pfalzgraf from Director of Communications and Member Services to Executive Director. Rebecca has been with KSLA for more than four years. In her time with KSLA, she has provided top-notch support to the KSLA leadership and members in several areas including organizational management, communications, event planning, and member advocacy.


Rebecca brings over 30 years of customer relations experience and 20 years of organizational management experience to her new position, the last 4+ years being with KSLA. Each year during her time at KSLA, she has taken on a larger role in the planning and execution of the KSLA annual conferences under the direction of Bob White, former Executive Director, now retired.


In her new role, and in addition to her current responsibilities, Rebecca will be responsible for the management of all KSLA daily operations; technical and advocacy support of KSLA members; providing educational opportunities to KSLA members; growing the KSLA membership; and collaborating with industry leaders and representatives from state agencies including working to promulgate regulations related to the recently passed SB-11 legislation.


Rebecca’s first day in her new position was July 1, 2022.

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