WHY Are Unvaccinated Staff Hesitant or Refusing to be Vaccinated?

WHY Are Unvaccinated Staff Hesitant orĀ Refusing to be Vaccinated?

KSLA would like to hear from unvaccinated staff members to determine their PRIMARY reason for hesitancy or refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine.


We've created an ANONYMOUS form for unvaccinated staff members to use in communicating their answers. We don't ask for staff or community names, or any contact information. We only ask one question, "Why are you hesitant or don't want to be vaccinated?" They can select their answer from the list provided, or there is space for them to provide a different answer and any other feedback they'd like to share. That's it!


The feedback we receive will be used to identify the most common staff concerns regarding the vaccine. If we receive enough feedback to warrant it, we hope to invite experts to participate in a Zoom meeting with unvaccinated staff to speak directly to their specific concerns.


If you'd like for your staff to provide this feedback to us, they can do so by clicking Here. Or they can complete the form below.


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