Why should I get vaccinated?
Many staff members in long term care facilities in Kentucky are asking that question, and there are plenty of answers. But, given those answers, why are some still hesitant to be vaccinated?
DAIL Commissioner Victoria Elridge will host a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, April 7 (timeTBD) to share stories about people who were hesitant to be vaccinated and the positive effects they experienced after being vaccinated. KSLA is assisting her in collecting source material from our Provider members.
So, who was your most resistant staff member? Why were they hesitant, and what good came from becoming vaccinated once they finally decided to go for it?
We know there are some great stories out there. For inspiration, check out this video: Senior Living Staff Share Why They are Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine - YouTube.
Send your stories (written stories are great - videos are great too!) to Rebecca@KentuckySeniorLiving.org. If you staff member wants his/her name to remain private - that's ok. We'll protect their privacy while telling their story.
Thanks in advance for sharing!
PO Box 232, LaGrange, KY 40031
Phone: 502.938.5102