Your Input is Needed! Educational Offerings for 2020

Your Input is Needed - Education Session and Workshop Offerings for 2020

It's hard to believe that the 2020 KSLA Conference & Exhibition is only six months away! Planning is ALREADY underway and we need your input.

What education sessions would you like to see offered at next year's Conference? Each education session lasts about 60-75 minutes.

And how about workshops, which are offered at other times during the year and typically last anywhere between 3-4 hours? Were there topics you learned a little about at Conference that you'd like to learn about in more detail? Or a speaker you'd like to hear from again in more depth?

We've created a quick and easy survey to gauge interest in several common topics of interest in our industry. It should take no more than two minutes to complete. And if you don't see something listed that you'd like to learn about, let us know about that in the spaces provided.

We appreciate your input as we plan for the year ahead!


Click Here to Take the Survey.


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