You’re Invited to Participate in a University of Kentucky Study re: Supportive Care Programs for Persons with Dementia

You're Invited to Participate in a University of Kentucky Study re: Supportive Care Programs for Persons with Dementia

Alaine Reschke-Hernandez, Assistant Professor of Music Therapy at the University of Kentucky, is seeking care facilities in Kentucky that provide care to persons with dementia for a qualitative research study. Alaine and her team want to improve understanding of complementary and supportive care programs (i.e., non-pharmacological), such as music therapy and rec therapy. They would like to understand clinically meaningful outcomes of these programs for persons with dementia, from the perspective of care staff. They would like your help connecting with care staff at your facility. If you agree to help, they will provide you with an advertisement to distribute to your care staff. Care staff can then volunteer by contacting Alaine’s research team. If you agree to help, a member of Alaine’s team would need to do one site observation to better understand your care environment.


If interested, please contact Alaine’s research team at or 859-257-4536. They will partner with a total of 6 rural and urban for-profit and non-profit care facilities in Kentucky.


Before engaging in this research, you must complete a letter of agreement, which you can review at


To learn more about Alaine, visit

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