New Features of KSLA’s Redesigned Website

New Features of KSLA’s Redesigned Website

New Features of KSLA's Re-Designed Website

KSLA's redesigned website will have several enhancements that we're excited to share with you.

  • First, we'll have a members-only section where you'll find information just for KSLA members. Things like a resource library, FAQs, Best Practices and other "members only" information.
  • Second, we'll have a place to list support group meetings that you host. Caregiver support groups, Alzheimer's support groups, and Parkinson's support groups (among others) will be listed so that anyone looking for that kind of resource can find it on our website, and find YOU!
  • Third, we'll have a place for our members to list their events. Spaghetti dinners, summer concerts, Bingo nights, fundraisers - we'll list them all! Associate members are also welcome to share events that are of interest to our Provider members and the residents and families they serve.
  • Fourth, we're going to have a spot to post job openings for our members - both providers and associates.

We want to help you get the word out so we're gathering this information now! Send your submissions to

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